Diagnosing breast cancer early can be life-changing.
Early detection education highlights the signs & symptoms of breast cancer and empowers you to regularly check your breasts.
How to check for the signs & symptoms of breast cancer
Breasts can be naturally lumpy which is perfectly normal. The key is to get to know how your breasts feel, so you will notice if anything new appears.
Where to check
It is important to check not just both of your breasts, but your upper chest and armpits as well, as these areas also contain breast tissue.
When to check
Check your breasts once a month to ensure that you notice any unusual changes as soon as possible.
What to look for
Breast pain can be perfectly normal, especially around menstruation; however, keep an eye out for unexplained and persistent pain in your breast or in your armpit.
Skin & Texture
It is important to examine your breasts for changes in texture. Look for dimpling and puckering of the skin or a rash around the breast and nipple area.
Size & Shape
Look for sudden and unusual changes in size or shape of the breast. This may include lumps, thickening of skin, swelling around your armpit and collarbone, or changes in nipple shape.
Unusual Changes
It is important to pay special attention to your nipple during your regular checks. Look for nipple discharge, rashes and crusting, and unusual changes in shape or position.