It all started with a lump. I am a married mother of two, Vancouver BC resident, business owner + recent breast cancer survivor with glowing philanthropic dreams within and beyond my community. My humble purpose is to help empower, support, and connect those with breast cancer. From there, I took a deep breath and began to design LUMP - a charity that honours our journey & gives us hope & strength.
The LUMP purpose is to shift the dark and scary narrative around the term lump, with a timeless gift representing courage, and connection. The LUMP pillow is a tangible reminder of our own personal strength, and empowerment, as well as a memorable symbol of beauty, support, and resilience. Our pillow is an authentic and personal nod to my own love story with interiors. Our hope is that LUMP be a beautiful piece that adorns your home - and it’s love at first sight, touch, and squishy feel.